Now, you may be looking at these Pashminas thinking; Wow, these are gorgeous but I have not a single clue as to what I’m supposed to do with it.
Don’t worry.
There’s a larger population of these people than you think, and that’s why there’s Cashmere friendly websites like this.
These are just a few possibilities of all you can do with your wonderful Pashmina.

- Simply drape over the back of your neck and shoulders keeping the ends of the scarf laced over your arms. For an even more elegant look try tying the ends of the shawl together around your back.
- Twist and fold your shawl in half. Then drape around your neck and pull the end of your scarf through the halfway loop.
- This is a lovely way to keep yourself warm when you don’t feel like bother with a jacket. With your Pashmina completely draped open, lay it flat around your back and shoulders, toss one end over your shoulder and spread the other end in front of you.
- With your Pashmina bundled thin, wrap it twice around your neck, leaving it fairly loose, and tie a nice knot with the very ends of your scarf. You can leave the knot centered or off to the side.
- With your Pashmina bundled thin, lay the middle of your Pashmina in front of your neck wile wrapping the ends around so that they lay in front. Then do a criss-cross with the ends.
- Let your Pashmina spread out fully, and then simply lay it across your front and have the ends drape across your back.
- With your Pashmina spread fully and drawn taught across your back and arms, use the front ends to tie a firm knot.
- Spread your Pashmina around your hips and tie a knot on the side.
- This is a lovely head scarf style, which you can do a little easier with our specialized headscarves. Lay the Pashmina across the top of your head and take one end, draw it under your chin and throw it over your shoulder.
- Lay the Pashmina in front of you, throw one end over the back of your shoulder and draw that same end over your other shoulder.
- Twist your Pashmina thin, lay it across the front of your neck and wrap the ends around so they come across both your shoulders.
- With your Pashmina fully draped out, lay it across your back and simply cross both ends in front of you.
- Though this cool look may seem complicated, it’s really just an easy flick of the wrist once you understand it. Twist your Pashmina thin, fold it in half and lay it as if you’re going to do look # 2. But you need to lay the loop flat across the front of you so you can do a bit of weaving. Take one end, let it go over one side of the loop and under the other, and do the opposite with the other side, letting it go under the first loop and over the other.
This is what we know about wearing a pashmina. Do you know some other ways? Share your thoughts below.
After seeing this one I added it to my options. I love it with a thinner, lightweight scarf
Thanks for sharing your tie designs!
I have 5 different colors of Pashmina scarves and I love them all. My oldest are a black and another is a beautiful gray, almost silver! I loved that softness as soon as it touched my neck! Those were the scarves that I taught myself a few ties.
It seems that I am using this one a lot this year.
Twist the scarf and place it loosely in the front of you wrapping each tail around to the front.
Adjust the scarf so it is where you want it, I keep mine up closer to my neck if it’s cold out. I loosen it up to drape on the outside of my coat when it’s not.
It may seem like you need a third hand at this point but you don’t. Cross the tails in front of you holding them in place with one hand.
With the other hand, tuck the RIGHT TAIL behind the the rest of the scarf and wrap once around the neck loop and the other tail. Hold it with your hand while dropping the left tail.
Do the same in the opposite direction except this time just wrap the LEFT TAIL from the front once around the neck loop and the other tail.
Now you should have 2 tails hanging down with 1 on the inside and 1 on the outside.
At this point, if your scarf doesn’t have fringes, you can tuck the ends of the scarf back into the wrappings, leaving it look like a big loose bow.
If your scarf does have fringes, tie the ends loosely with one tail in front of the other (like an ascot) and use a lightweight decorative pin to hold them.
I tend to use my mother’s beautiful & quirk whimsical, hat pins from the 40’s. A simple bullet backing for pierced earrings is all I use to keep the pin in place.
I love this wrap. I wish I could explain it better, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
Fortunately, there are a pair of my mother’s hat pins that I wear together. They aren’t meant to be a matched set but I think they work great together. One is a silver crescent moon, and the other a gold enameled sun. I wear one in the wrap I described above and the other is put into my wool coat’s left lapel. I get a lot of compliments on them too. Most don’t even know what a hat pin was.
I hope this gives you more wonderful ideas to share with us.
I need prices.
These all sound great, but I’m a visual kind of person. Wish you had photos or even illustrations of how these all look! Photos would be best. Great idea though. Thank you!